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9-11 Memorial 2014

At 8:30am on Sept 11th, 2014, Sand Pebble Pointe hosted a 9-11 memorial to honor the memory of those who lost their lives 13 years ago. In attendance this year were the Mayor of Port Richey, Eloise Taylor, representatives from the offices of Senator Marco Rubio and Congressman Gus Bilirakus, Port Richey Police and Fire department, and Pasco County Sheriff's department.

The memorial was also an opportunity to honor a special guest named SFC Cory Jacob Remsburg. SFC Remsburg is a US Army Ranger who began his service in 2001. He deployed multiple times to both Iraq and Afghanistan. On October 1st, 2009, during his tenth combat rotation, his squad killed nine enemy combatants and destroyed a large weapons cache. During this operation, SFC Remsburg was seriously wounded by an improvised explosive device.

The explosion threw him into a canal and he was rescued by follow US Army Rangers. He was airlifted to Kandahar Air Base for triage and then to Bagram Air Field for surgery. On November 12th, 2009, SFC Remsburg was transfered to the James Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa, Florida. After three months in a coma, he regained consciousness.

For the past 4.5 years, and after dozens of surgeries, SFC Remsburg continues to make remarkable progress. He participates in local, state, and national events with the goal of inspiring others to "keep pushing on". His courageous recovery received national spotlight when SFC Remsburg was honored during the State of the Union address in January 2014 by President Obama.

It was an honor to have SFC Remsburg with us.